Today the potable water industry uses polyacrylamides, polyamines and polydadmacs in clarifying and dewatering processes. Several years ago only inorganic coagulants were used in the clarifying processes although today the use of organic coagulants such as polyamines and polydadmacs often in conjunction with flocculants have totally or partially replaced the organics. The advantages of the organic coagulants against the inorganics are as follows:
* Improved performance at dosages of 5 to 10 times lower than organic coagulants
* Minimises the volume of sludge generated saving on sludge dewatering and deposal costs.
* Improvements in solid / liquid separation times therefore demanding less thickening capacity and reduced capital investment.
* No effect on the pH of the treated water.
* Operates over a broader pH range.
* No addition of soluble metals such as Al and Fe.
The clarifying processes will include thickening /settling, flotation and filtration.
In most cases the addition of a flocculant after a coagulant is desired ensuring the flocs produced are much larger increasing the rate of solid / liquid separation and clarity of the supernatant. Adding a coagulant (organic / inorganic or a blend of the two) to destabilise colloidal suspensions followed by the addition of a flocculant to bridge the colloidal particles creates larger "flocs" which will then settle rapidly leaving a clear supernatant. Following settling, dewatering of the sludge is normally carried out by use of a belt filter, filter press or a centrifuge. Laboratory test work is recommended for product selection before progressing to plant trials. Please see your TianFloc representative for assistance with lab testing procedures and product selection.

TianFloc has supplied products to the Chinese oil industry for over 10 years and today is the leading supplier of polymers to this industry. Major Chinese oilfields including Daqing, Shengli, Xinjiang, Henan, and Huabei all use our products extensively. The major areas of application of our products are:
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Profile Modification
- Drilling Fluid Additives
Enhanced Oil Recovery
The chemical EOR process has been used for many years to increase the efficiency of oil recovery in tertiary floods. The addition of one tonne of polymer may increase crude oil recovery by as much as 150 tonnes. The introduction of viscous polymer solutions to the flood will increase the efficiency of the volumetric sweep, reduce channelling and breakthrough - increasing the volume of crude oil recovered.
TianFloc has developed a wide range of products to suit conditions experienced by EOR polymer flood operators everywhere so that no matter the temperature, salinity, dissolved solids, formation permeability or oil viscosity - we have the correct product for your application.
Our products can be either directly injected into the oil stratum or combined with a cross-linking agent before injection. These products can be used in oilfields with an oil stratum temperature lower than 60°C and total dissolved solids (TDS) lower than 6,000ppm.

Polyacrylamide can be used in the production of most types of paper products whether using wood pulp, straw pulp or recycled paper as the raw material. Kraft pulp, chemical pulp or bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp (BCTMP) - TianFloc can provide a product to exceed your requirements.
Retention and Filtration
Polyacrylamide can increase the retention of fibre and other additives in the sheet increasing drainage and minimizing energy used for drying. First pass retention can be increased by as much as 10% (starch retention can also be increased). Typically, high molecular weight polymer is more suitable for retention, low molecular weight polymer is most suitable for filtration. Let your TianFloc representative assist you in selecting the best product for your application.
Dispersing Agent
Sheet uniformity can be improved through the use of dispersing agents. TianFloc provides a wide range of dispersant products: ZF1616, ZF1626, ZF1826.
Polyacrylamide is commonly used for solid / liquid separation in pulp and paper wastewater streams. Polyacrylamide may also be used in conjunction with inorganic coagulants to further separate solids from waste streams reducing solids loading to clarifiers and chemical oxygen demand (COD) to your treatment system (COD may be reduced by as much as 70% - 80%). Our extensive knowledge of pulp and paper wastewater treatment applications will ensure you receive the best product for your application.